Stream all of your favorite Israeli content outside of Israel

Get access to the leading TV shows, movies, news channels and more. Stream the best content Israel has to offer on anywhere, anytime & from any device.

Watch new Israeli films and shows alongside the beloved classics
Gain access to an extensive variety of Israeli TV, news and radio shows

Stay connected to Israel
anywhere in the world

Stream the very best Israeli content from Israel: major live channels, the largest Israeli film VOD library in the world, and all of your favorite prime time programs

Watch anytime, on any device, from anywhere in the world outside of Israel.

Best ways to stream Israeli content
outside of Israel
19.99 $ / Month
  • Offers a premium package for $29.99 / month that includes more channels, VOD library and HD quality broadcasting
  • A non-authorized platform that operates without a broadcast license
  • Outages may occur more frequently due to domain blockades in several countries
  • Membership does not renew automatically
  • Includes live channels and shows for kids with premium package
Screen iL
19.99 $ / Month
  • Offers a yearly membership for $219.99 / year
  • - The only provider with a license to stream Israeli content outside of Israel legally
  • - Guaranteed high quality streaming for any show or movie
  • Gain access to shows exclusively available on Screen iL
  • Includes live channels and shows for kids with no extra cost
IZZY - Stream Israel
9.99 $ / Month
  • Offers a yearly membership for $71.99 / year
  • Provide content in the Hebrew language with English subtitles
  • Does not include live TV as well as news or radio broadcasts
  • Offers downloading for offline streaming
  • Does not offer shows for kids

Leading Channels

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